Sunday, December 1, 2013

Online petitions support stricken Newtown police officer

NEWTOWN -- Support is growing online for Newtown Police Officer Thomas Bean, who is facing the loss of his job because he has been unable to work since responding to the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School last Dec. 14.
Since his case was publicized several weeks ago, two Internet petitions have been set up urging the town not to fire Bean, who is considered 100 percent disabled by post-traumatic stress disorder, and to allow him to continue to collect his disability pay.
The petitions have drawn more than 6,300 signatures from people across the country.
A third website has been set up to raise money for Bean, his wife and their two sons.
"I do appreciate the support and want to thank everyone," the 38-year-old, 12-year department veteran said. "It's great to see the message is getting out, and it's an affirmation that I'm doing the right thing by speaking out."
Bean is now collecting half of his salary under the long-term disability policy negotiated between the police union and the town.
Union officials say the contract calls for him to receive the payments until he is eligible for retirement, another 13 years.
But several months ago, in a meeting with ChiefMichael Kehoe, he was given the choice of resigning, retiring with just a fraction of the money he would otherwise be entitled to, or being fired, because under the existing policy the disability payments will end after two years.
Kehoe, who has recommended Bean's termination to the Police Commission, said last week he couldn't talk about the case. First Selectman Pat Llodra previously declined comment, saying the proper forum for any agreement is through negotiations with the town attorney.
But people who posted their thoughts on the two online petitions had plenty to say.
"He needs and deserves support, not to be dismissed during this terrible time. Sandy Hook is still grieving, we will never forget the victims and the heroes who helped in that horrific tragedy," wrote Newtown resident Karen Dryer, who started the petition that has so far attracted more than 1,200 signers.
"The healing process is unique to each individual, and Officer Thomas Bean needs our support," Dryer continued.
"As a first responder who spent over a month at ground zero in 2001, I know PTSD is a true diagnosis that should be treated like a true medical condition. This man is being treated like a piece of trash," said Michael Torino, of East Haven.
A second petition, started by former Marine Jack Cunningham at, has drawn over 5,100 signatures, more than halfway toward its goal of 10,000.
Cunningham's petition also calls on the state of Connecticut to change its workers compensation law to allow first responders diagnosed with PTSD to receive disability payments.
A third site has been set up by Bethel resident Aune Mitchell, with the goal of raising $750,000 for Bean and his family. As of last week, though, less than $200 had been contributed.
"He is a husband, a father, and a hero -- let's give him the respect he deserves," Mitchell said.
"We're aware of the petitions and we think it's great," Newtown Police Union president Scott Ruszczyk said. "I think its a great thing for people to get involved."
Bean is uncertain whether the petitions will have any impact on his situation.
"I don't know if it will help, but it can't hurt," he said.


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