The Anti-Kidnap squad capturing a gang member. Picture: James Brabazon Source: Supplied
FIVE people are kidnapped and held to ransom here every day and it has a murder rate on par with war zones.
Welcome to Venezuela - a country which has the highest kidnapping rate in the world and where law and order are failing so badly that even the criminal gangs are scared.
To say the South American nation is undergoing a kidnapping epidemic is an understatement.
In fact the situation is so bad that the Venezuelan police force has an elite Anti-Kidnap Squad.
SBS Dateline Reporter Kiki King travelled to the capital city of Caracas where she gained exclusive access to the elite squad.
In the footage which went to air on SBS last night. Ms King took part in a recovery operation to help free a 27-year-old victim.
Using mobile phone trackers and putting pressure on the kidnapper's family, the Anti-Kidnap Squad is successful and the woman is eventually freed.
Later, Ms King follows the squad as they attempt to arrest one of the city's ruthless gang leaders, a convicted murderer and escaped prisoner known as "El Viejo".
A heavily-armed police squad moves into the city's slums after a tip-off and a fierce gunbattle erupts.
El Viejo is killed, but help came too late after his hostage was executed.
Journalist Kiki king on patrol with the elite police squad. Picture: James Brabazon Source: Supplied
Director James Brabazon, who filmed the story, told the squad remained the only hope of rescue for many kidnap victims.
Mr Brabazon, who came under fire during filming, said both journalists and the police in the Anti-Kidnap Squad were scared for the lives of the victims taken by the gangs they were hunting.
"That fear was well-founded, too: although one rescue ended happily, one victim was killed while we were there, which was a huge blow to the police," he said.
"On one operation we came under automatic small arms fire, and a couple of bursts went just over our heads. We take as many precautions as we can to film safely, but the nature of following a story like this properly means you have to get close which is inherently dangerous."
On patrol with the Anti-Kidnap Squad
Venezuela has the highest murder rate in South America - 55 for every 100,000 people.
He said kidnapping crimes had skyrocketed a decade ago after late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez freed thousands of violent prisoners as part of controversial criminal justice system reforms.
Kidnapping and ransom is also big business for criminals.
"The Socialist government showed little interest in the plight of the middle class - and many criminals felt they could operate with near-impunity," he said.
"More profitable than robbery, abduction for ransom became a get-rich-quick scheme for petty criminals and crime lords alike. The more ransoms victims paid, the stronger the gangs grew."
While few Westerners were targeted for kidnap, the country is plagued by high murder rates which makes it dangerous for locals and visitors alike.
Mr Brabazon said the country was gripped by a constant state of fear and everyone was a potential victim.
"We were able to talk to some victims. The overwhelming sense we got was of fear: fear of being targeted again, fear of violent crime, and fear of the future," he said.
"Rich and poor alike are victimised, with even criminals themselves living in fear of other, stronger gangs."
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The Anti-kidnap squad looking to capture one of the city’s ruthless gang leaders, a convicted murderer and escaped prisoner known as El Viejo. He was later shot dead. Picture: James Brabazon Source: Supplied
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