Eaten alive by pigs ... Mafia mobster Francesco Raccosta was beaten and thrown into a sty in southern Italy by a rival in the 'Ndrangheta mafia gang in Calabria. AFP PHOTO/Peter PARKS Source: AFP
HE vanished without a trace. Now Italian police know why.
Mafia mobster Francesco Raccosta was fed - alive - to a drove of pigs after
being beaten with spades and thrown in a sty, Italian website Cronache reported.
A recent roundup of some 20 people for a range of mob-related crimes between the warring clams in the brutal 'Ndrangheta mafia of Calabria, southern Italy, led to the gruesome 2012 murder to be solved - along with four other killings.
The breakthrough came when one of the suspected assassins Simone Pepe, 24, associated with his death bragged about the deed while his phone was being tapped.
"It was such a pleasure to hear him scream," the suspect said. "In my opinion, there's nothing left of him ... This pig can really eat!"
Eaten alive by pigs ... Mafia boss Francesco Raccosta. Picture: Source: Supplied
It was one of five revenge killings undertaken in the days in revenge for the death of mafia boss Domenico Bonarrigo who was shot dead in a mob war for control of the town of Oppido Mamertina.
Raccosta disappeared in 2012 with fellow mobster Carmine Putrino, who officers believe was also fed to the pigs.
Two mafia factions are currently in a turf war involving much of Italy: The 'Ndrangheta Calabrian-based gang is now a greater force than the older Sicilian Casa Nostra.
A police spokesman said: "This feud has been going on since the 1950s and has claimed numerous lives. Pepe was particularly brutal.
"By feeding his victim to pigs he thought he would earn the respect of rivals as well as his own clan."
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