THE next battle of the never-ending console wars is officially underway.
Microsoft's Xbox One and Sony's PlayStation 4 have both arrived to demand your hard-earned cash. So which one should you give it to?
No doubt about it, the Xbox One is ugly. Its bulky 1980s VCR vibe is no match for the angular, futuristic feel of the PS4. The Xbox also still has an annoying external power box, while the PS4's is thankfully internal.
Of course, it's what's inside that really counts and here the Xbox One has a slight edge. Its user interface is a bit cluttered but it's functional and easy to use. The PS4's streamlined approach looks okay but is perhaps a little too simplistic for its own good.
Winner: Tied.
Both machines pump out gorgeous graphics, at least on par with today's high-end PC gaming rigs. They've got similar tech specs on paper but it does seem like the PS4 has a bit of a performance edge.
For example, it's been widely reported that the PS4 can run games such as Call of Duty: Ghosts smoothly at 1080p resolution, while the Xbox One can only handle 720p.
That's not a huge deal, but it may mean the PS4 will be able to push the graphical limits a bit further than its competitor in the years to come.
Winner: PS4
The Xbox 360's controller was streets ahead of the PS3's Dualshock 3. With the Xbox One and PlayStation 4, that gap has narrowed so much there's basically nothing in it.
The Xbox One's controller is very similar to the 360's but makes quite a few improvements and the addition of trigger-rumble is actually a lot cooler than it sounds.
The PS4's Dualshock 4 is a much bigger leap, putting it on a more or less level pegging with its competitor. It's heftier, with a more comfortable shape and much better analog sticks. Its got a motion sensor and a dedicated share button too.
Winner: Tied.
A Sony PlayStation 4 console is displayed. Picture: AFP Source: AFP
Launch line-ups are usually pretty weak and that's certainly true for this generation.
The PS4's is particularly weak, with exclusives limited to the pretty but underwhelming FPS Killzone: Shadow Fall, the painfully average platformer Knack and good but short twin-stick shooter Resogun.
The Xbox One's line-up has a bit more depth with the flawed but fun Dead Rising 3, the briefly enjoyable Ryse: Son of Rome, the typically slick Forza Motorsport 5 and downloadable titles like Killer Instinct, Crimson Dragon and Powerstar Golf.
Neither console has a huge upcoming exclusive roster either - but the Xbox One does have the magnificent-looking mech shooter Titanfall, which gives it a bit more of an edge.
Winner: Xbox One.
Extra features
The Xbox One wants to be the all-in-one entertainment solution for your living room. It's got a long way to go before it fulfils that mission statement but it's still much more of a well-rounded media hub than the PS4, which has dumped much of the PS3's functionality. Sony's new machine can't play external video files, MP3s or even CDs.
The Xbox One also has its Kinect 2.0 motion sensor, which is promising but still largely unproven. It's bundled with every console, unlike Sony's PlayStation camera.
The PS4's best added extra is probably its remote play feature, which lets you stream PS4 games to Sony's handheld PlayStation Vita so you can stop hogging the TV. Of course, not many people own a Vita.
Winner: Xbox One.
Neither the Xbox One nor the PlayStation 4 boast any killer games or features that demand an instant purchase. Really, you'd be better off waiting a few months to see how the systems develop. But if you've got your heart set on joining the next generation, the Xbox One is a slightly better proposition at this early stage because its got a few more games, its got Titanfall on the way and its got a range of non-gaming features that the PS4 doesn't. But don't count the PS4 out - a couple of blockbuster exclusives could put it in front in no time.
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